

Micro-TESE at Birla Fertility & IVF

Microsurgical testicular sperm extraction commonly known as Micro TESE or mTESE is an advanced surgical sperm retrieval procedure. In this procedure, sperm is retrieved directly from testicular tissue. Studies have shown that this procedure yields the highest sperm retrieval rate with minimal damage to the testicles.

At Birla Fertility & IVF, our team of fertility specialists and uroandrologists specialise in performing a wide range of surgical sperm retrieval procedures including Micro TESE. We also offer the facility for single sperm vitrification in case of extremely low sperm count.

Why Micro-TESE?

Micro TESE is recommended for patients with non-obstructive azoospermia (absence of sperm
in the semen because of abnormal sperm production). Non-obstructive azoospermia can be the result of congenital disorders, history of testicular surgery and certain medical treatments among other problems with male fertility. It is also recommended if TESE, PESE and PESA were not successful for sperm retrieval.

The Micro-TESE Process

During a Micro TESE procedure, a small cut is made to the scrotum while the patient is under general anaesthesia to allow access to his testicles. The doctor examines each testicle under a powerful microscope to examine the tubes where sperm is produced and transferred. These are called seminiferous tubules. Swollen tubes that are more likely to contain sperm are identified and biopsied. The biopsied tissue is further examined under a microscope to find and extract sperm. The incision on the testis is closed with fine dissolvable stitches after the procedure. Extracted sperm can either be used in IVF-ICSI cycles or be frozen for future use.

Experts Speak

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Micro-TESE be used for conventional IVF?

The number of viable sperm retrieved through any surgical sperm retrieval procedure including Micro TESE is generally inadequate for conventional IVF treatments and ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection) is recommended to improve chances of fertilisation.

Is hospitalisation required for Micro-TESE?

Micro TESE is a day care procedure that requires no hospitalisation. It does involve the use of general anaesthesia and patients are advised against physical exertion or operation of heavy machinery (including vehicles) for about 24 hours as its effects may take time to wear off.

Is Micro-TESE painful?

The procedure is done under general anaesthesia and the patient will not feel any pain during the procedure. However, some men may experience slight discomfort in the scrotal region after the procedure.

What are the risks of Micro-TESE?

Risks associated with micro TESE include bleeding, infection, and discomfort after the procedure. In extremely rare cases, testicular damage may occur.

Patient Testimonials

Many thanks to the Birla Fertility team for their constant support. They have the best team for male infertility treatment. The doctor suggested a Micro TESE procedure, which was very smooth. Highly recommend this place if you are looking for some kind of fertility treatment.

Kavita and Kumar

I would highly recommend Birla Fertility & IVF. The staff members are competent, calm, and available when anyone needs help. Thank you for accompanying us in every step of our way towards parenthood.

Savita and Kishor

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